Tax Forms
Homestead Exemption Application
Rescind Principal Residence Exemption
State Veteran Exempt Affidavit
Department of Public Service
Bid for Mercer Beach phase 2: Stormwater Improvements
Mercer Beach Phase 2 Construction Plans
Certified backflow prevention device testers
Voting Forms
Voter Registration Application
Election Inspector Application
City Government
Board and Commission Application
Board and Commission Term Directory
City of Walled Lake Master Plan
Parks & Recreation Master Plan
Water Crafts
**Must Provide a Copy of Current and Valid State of Michigan Watercraft Registration**
Shared Waterfront Lot Dock Use and Mooring Application
Watercraft Registration Application
Marine & Water Safety Ordinance
Police Forms
Precious Metal & Gem Dealer Application
Misc. Forms
1095-B Form
Eligible prior employees may receive a copy of their Form 1095-B upon written request via email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or mail to 1499 E. West Maple, Walled Lake, Michigan 48390 attention Clerk’s Office. Request must include your full name, email, current address, and phone number to contact you should we have any questions.