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Tri-A Subdivision Infrastructure Improvement Committee
Tuesday, December 04, 2018, 06:00pm
Hits : 594
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The City of Walled Lake will hold a COMMITTEE MEETING with the Tri A Subdivision Infrastructure Improvement Committee and the public is welcome to attend. The committee was established by Resolution 2018-45 for a five-member ad hoc committee to study the necessary infrastructure improvement needs and funding options for the Tri-A Subdivision. The location of the improvement entails a sub wide stormwater drainage, water system, and road infrastructure design throughout the Tri A Subdivision.


The Tri-A Subdivision Infrastructure Improvement Committee meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, December 4, 2018 at 6:00 p.m. at City of Walled Lake Council Chambers, located 1499 E. West Maple Road, Walled Lake, Michigan 48390.


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1499 E. West Maple Road, Walled Lake, MI 48390  (248) 624-4847